
Hi, I’m Vikash 👋

Hello, I'm Vikash, a student in my final year of university. I love developing and building websites and web-based programmes. I can't wait to learn more about myself. In the near future, I'd like to have my own personal lab since I enjoy performing experiments, synthesizing chemicals and compounds, and performing chemical reactions.

Education & Certifications
  • Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur

    BS-MS Chemistry


SURGE Poster Presentation 2023-24

Mentor Prof. Pratik Sen, Biophysical Chemistry Research Group, Dept. of Chemistry, IIT Kanpur

POSTER Report Certificate Inaugural Event SURGE 1 Inaugural Event SURGE 2
Title: Elucidation of the Structure and Dynamics of Synergistic Mixed Solvent Systems.

Learning Work: This research project focuses on investigating the structure and dynamics of synergistic mixed solvent systems through distillation, NMR spectroscopy, and data analysis. Strong analytical skills, effective communication, and collaborative approach to research.


Project 1 : Mentor Prof. Mainak Sadhukhan, Theoretical Chemistry Research Group, Dept. of Chemistry, IIT Kanpur. Euler's Method R4 Method

ButterFly using Euler's Forward and Runge- Kutta 4 Method


Lorenz system solved by Euler forward and Runge- Kutta 4 methods and comparing using 3D animated plot and also X-Z graph with appropriate given points and we see variation in 3d graph.

Project 2 : Ising Model

Ising Model
... Initial Random Image
... Final after Stablizing Imag
... Cv or Xm Vs Temperatur
... Energy Vs Temperatur
... Energ
... Final Energy

Ising Model Stablizing Energy and Temperature Dependencies and Cv or Xm Ploting

Project 3 : Prey and Predator

Prey and Predator using Euler's Forward

Prey and Predator method using Euler's Forward method and graph work of prey and predator also with time V/s population.

Project 4 : Gauss Legendre Polynomial Rule, Trapezoidal Rule, Simpson's Rule

Gauss Legendre Polynomial Rule, Trapezoidal Rule, Simpson's Rule

Gauss Legendre Polynomial Rule, For Trapezoidal Rule, and Simpson's Rule has been done for the some Specific function. where the attached PDF is for Gauss function which has been discussed.

Undergraduate Research Project

Project 1 Slide 1

Supervisor: Dr. Nagma Praveen Research Group, Chemical Biology (Bio-Nanoparticle Lab), Dept. of Chemistry, IIT Kanpur

Objective: -Studying the SARS-CoV-2 fusion in detail using an opportunistic model for the fusing of the coronavirus membrane. -Receptor binding and priming of the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 for membrane fusion.

Project 2

Mentor Prof. Pratik Sen, Biophysical Chemistry Research Group, Dept. of Chemistry, IIT Kanpur

Title: Role of Hydrophobicity in Synergistic Solvation

Learning from lab: Purification of Organic Solvent, NMR Technique, Vacuum Distillation, Use of Lab Equipment